Loose Parts Community Project

I Update - I have land for this project which is private and close to the city centre.

My next step is to continue to communicate with council for appropriate permits etc.

Storage - I’ll be searching to hire, borrow, purchase a shipping container. Can you help?

Donations - start saving your bigger loose parts, boxes, pipes, crates, tarps, ropes, cable spool drums, pallets etc. Drop off point will be released soon. I’ll also need to build a fence around the loose parts play area. Thank you.

My goal and vision is - the more I have donated, the less the fees per session will be. Obviously, I still have insurance and wages to consider. However, ALL children can benefit from loose parts play.

I would hope to have this open for after school play, holiday sessions and my weekly nature play sessions, birthday parties and community events.

I have an idea…

When I began my Nature Play journey some 10 years ago, I was intrigued by the huge benefits of offering open ended resources, as in loose parts for my students. I used them both inside and outside of the classroom and have since completed lots of research and courses on the many benefits of using loose parts during nature play.

Loose Parts Play area

credit - The Outsiders Play Advocates

Loose Parts Presentation

Image Yarrabilba Community Backyard

How can you help?

Loose parts are resources that can be moved, changed, redesigned, taken apart and put back together in multiple ways.

I’ve been dreaming of offering a huge loose parts event for the school holidays. One where ALL children can attend for minimal cost (still need to pay for insurance). One where we can store our resources close by. One where volunteers with Blue Cards can support our children during their play work (I can train these).

We will need a space to hold the event and storage for our many loose parts. As well as donations of loose parts. If you think this is something you would like to support me with, please get in contact and let’s make this happen. The creations, imagination, curiosity and FUN with will so worthwhile for us all. Thank you.

Please let me know how you can help below. Thank you.